Saturday, April 26, 2008

New camera, new clarity, life!

Hooray! I purchased a new camera. I went with a Canon Powershot S5 IS. My old one, mentioned in a few posts before, finally met a very timely death. At 3am in the barn, a horse knocked it onto the concrete isle floor and it finally gave up the ghost.

And why, at 3am was I in the barn? On April 20th, at 1:30 am, my mare Allie foaled a beautiful filly. After three weeks of sleepless nights, she finally had her little angel from hell. Seeing as though, the baby was born during a full moon and outside under the full moon, I've named her Luna. Not very original but I like it and well, its cute. It's a bit like me naming a tortoiseshell Holland lop, Pancakes. It is just cute, above all else. (Oh yes, and that is me in the photos with Luna, at 7am, with 2 hours of sleep, so please forgive my look).

Luna is an American Warmblood. Her sire is an Oldenburg, a grandson of a Olympic horse actually and several other show horses. Luna's dam, is my lovely American Spotted draft mare I purchased this past winter. Luna was already "in the oven" when I found her dam for sale. Because of the drastic hay storage last fall, her owner needed to sell several horses and by happen stance, I came across her and got her home to Massachusetts from Virgina.

As foals go, this little tike, is just..well, not little. My veternarian was out to do blood tests and check over momma and do a full health exam on the baby at 18 hours of age. Well, this little filly is the size of a almost two month old baby! She is just a huge little girl and also, quite an Aries. She already tries to kick and her aim is getting better. She has an opinion and it generally does not agree with mine, which is a bit of a conflict.

For right now, we're learning basic baby skills. Such as being held, brushed, scratched, kissed and hugged. She's also had a bath and is learning to do basic horse things. She's worn a blanket and wears a fly mask outside daily. And she has her feet picked up daily. Until she is a few months old, she will not be lead or trained for a halter, as the pressure can injure their neck development and bone structure.

I'm so very excited to see how she matures and am just hoping for the best. If she turns out like I think she may, she'll end up being my eventing horse with a side of dressage. I'll try to ad photos and updates of her often. If you are local, you are more than welcome to come visit my little hell angel as well. Oh, and don't worry, I have plenty of ponies and horses that will sniff out or beg for cookies while you're here.