Saturday, April 5, 2008

Camera death is slowly painful

I need to finally realize that my poor little Canon IX500 is just not going to work for much longer. As of now, it has a few heart attacks once in a while, but a swift whack seems to wake it back up for a bit.

The photo's it takes, have become blurred or the focus is very off from the subject (as you can tell from my bunny photos, the background is quite clear, but...not the bunny). Anyone have any suggestions? I've been reading up on new cameras and well, I'm stumped. I wanted one with a good zoom, but I don't care for digital zoom, only optical. A fast shutter speed would be ideal, as that will help with moving bunnies (and maybe horses?). But I'm boggled otherwise, and my budget is a little lower than I wished, because of a few horse items. You never can seem to have too many horse things. Plus, vet bills are going to be hefty when the baby is born and then two more mares are bred AI. Oh gosh! Of course, all totally planned for, but extra expenses such as a new snazzy camera are just going to be a far fetch maybe.

Adian, being a goof

Suggestions would be great. My current camera only does well with sunlight, hence my outside photo's, which also means, the weather must be nice for photo's. I don't use the flash.

Sometimes the camera stops working (I swear, she's a bit temperamental for a camera and heart attacks happen often), but if I drop it on a hard floor, it springs back to life. Who ever said beating an electronic did no good? Made me feel better too actually.