Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Feed price woes and worries

Last Thursday I went to pick up another load of bunny feed bags. Prices have, once again gone up. In September '07 I was purchasing 50lbs of feed for $11 a bag, it is now $15 a bag. Up $1 from last week alone and they expect it to go up again. Argh!

I understand why it keeps going up, but when food, fuel (home heating fuel is $4 a gallon this week, car fuel isn't much better) and the general cost of living increases without the salary of the person increasing at the same pace, it is a bit disturbing. I've been making choices that most twenty four year olds are likely not. I do not go to movies, I do not eat out, I do not purchase things I do not need. Anything I buy has to be on-sale, unless it is desperately needed.

Last month I decided that I would limit myself to spending only $50 a month for myself on items I would like to have (whether that be some candy, a movie, maybe eating out as a treat or some new clothing). Has anyone else made changes in their daily life? I'm sure I'm not alone.

With the warmer weather, I've also added on to driving a LOT less and combine multiple stops into one trip. I drive physical therapy and to stores for large items or stores to far away otherwise to get to.

On the other hand, the library is only 5 miles away (Libraries are a gold mine really! Did you know you can rent movies for free? DVD's, including new releases). Along with the library is a small Rite Aid and a IGA Food store. 5 miles isn't far, it is easy by bike, but I plan to run there once the weather warms up a bit more. The running won't hurt me either. I can run to them, pick up some items and walk home. I can also run to my work, which is within a few miles as well, but I may just take my bike there. Anyhow, back to feeding animals.

Hay is another story all together. Hay is expected to be several more dollars a bale this season. The cost of fertilizer, seeds and diesel fuel have all skyrocketed, so farmers will be charging more. Plus the drought last year sent the entire country into a hay shortage. Then you have the farmers replacing hay with corn or other products, because of the higher income from fuel and such. Heck, even shavings have gone up at least a $1 a bag, if not more. The lumber industry is not doing so well right now.

I suppose hay won't be too much of an issue for most rabbitries. I always fed my rabbits more hay than most people I know. I think it is cute to watch them chew on it and they enjoy it. Hay for the rabbits isn't too much of a problem. They munch through about two 60lbs bales a week but the main concern is I also have nine horses, and when you are purchasing 1500 bales or more a year, a few cents or dollars makes a very large difference. I won't even mention the prices that have skyrocketed horse feed.

It's just becoming harder and harder to own and raise animals and even think of braking even. I think I have been in the red with rabbits for the last ten years anyhow though. I've always spent more to purchase stock, supplies and of course care items then I have sold. Any rabbit I purchased I always asked for less than I purchased it for. I never really understood that. I often see breeders asking much higher price tags than the original purchase price. Even with bunnies I have sold, suddenly their price is $25 to $100 more???? It doesn't make sense to me. If the rabbit was shown and earned more legs, or was a proven producer, maybe, but I've seen some proven does I've sold last year posted for sale for more than they were purchased for, but nothing changed. Boggles me. Are they trying to profit? I think it is fine if they want charge any amount they desire of course, it just tends to make me laugh a bit.

Oh well. My own feed price issues seem to be very small in the big picture. The world global food shortage is getting worse, prices in grocery stores are getting higher (thanks to fuel and well...less food and our dying economy) and in the overall, I'm probably just ranting on life and scared of watching how our country is really hitting a hard time. So, I would like to suggest everyone and anyone play this game. http://www.freerice.com/

You play the word games and earn free rice for people in starving countries. It is fantastic for younger kids and even adults to brush up on words and meanings. At the same time you are helping to feed people. Did you know the global price of rice is up 70%? We are truly blessed to live in a country where food is not our main concern and for the most part, we seem to have no problem consuming it.

In times of gas being a problem (I can make this bunny related, to go to shows or to pick up new bunnies you need gas too! hehe) try this http://www.gasbuddy.com/gives the lowest and the highest prices on fuel in the USA and Canada, for your state and area, so hopefully you can choose the best price as well.

Sorry for such a depressing post. I've just been feeling a bit down. Watching CNN and the news in the evening has really downed some of my thoughts. I'm worried with the upcoming elections, I'm worried about our country, our economy and how or if people raising animals or farming will even make it by.