Thursday, April 16, 2009

Luna, my yearling horse

Wow..the last 4 days have really been horrible for me. My yearling horse, well she'll be a year old on Monday. Her leg swelled up really bad on Easter. Monday morning I got Tuft's out with the xray machines. We got her all drugged up and everything. She's been cold washed several times a day, on meds for the swelling, which has not gone down much but a little. Well today the vet was out again, after he took the xrays to Tuft's (Grafton surgery section doctors looked them over).

Luna has a bone chip...which needs removal. Part of her joint chipped off somehow Easter morning. She isn't limping or acting like anything is wrong but she's confined to her stall in the barn to make sure it does not get any worse until I can get to her Tufts in Grafton MA for the surgery. The downside is, it is a several thousand dollars I do not have and somehow need to come up with. I already exhausted my emergancy horse money this year when my older horse injured her nose (she was playing with her waterbucket and got her nose stuck in the bucket and paniced... ripping her nostil off... after about 50 stitches and 5 weeks of ...restiching..she has an interesting scar but is in one piece (though it looks funny...). That was a my emgancy equine fund though..which probably wouldn't have covered this but was close.. humbug.. I just feel horrible because I had planned ahead but I guess I didn't plan enough...ahead).

Anyways.. my vet assured me it was nothing I did, as I've always been very careful with this babies feeding program and everything. She was a huge foal. She was even stuck when she was born and I had to repossion her to get her out of the birthing canal. We've actually always tried to slow her growing rate.

The downside of the whole thing is, her recovery is going to eat up time I didn't have to begin with. The surgery needs to be done in the next 3 weeks. After which she'll be on stall rest for several weeks. And then after I'll still need to attend to her for another couple of months very often durring the day. She's going to require injections into the joint and of course cleaning of the surgery site and general care and rehabilitation.

So now I'm weighting the options of my time with my other animals and trying to decide what to do. I think right now I'm go to let go of some of the adorable little babies I had planned to keep from my spring litters.

In some probably good news, the couple of litters I had planned for this month, did not happen, so no new babies. Which is for the best since I won't have the time they deserve right now. I'm hoping for the fall I can plan and devote some time to some baby bunnies though. :)

Sometimes life is interesting... I'm just hoping all goes well and my filly makes an okay recovery from all this mess.

In bunny news, I'm happy to report that bunnies have been going to amazing homes with some of the nicest people I have ever met recently!