Friday, June 20, 2008

Silly blogging

Oh gosh. I've become an addict in my search for replacing my old toys. If you're reading this... please let me know if anyone will part with their older toys. hehe. I lost several of my toys in a move and to our basement flooding when I was younger and have recently been trying to find them at Thrift shops and tag sales, with little to no luck. Although I did score a really cute Strawberry Shortcake juice glass this morning! I just love it! Forgive me though, as my search has limited my website updates and my email replies a little bit as well. I'm just a little over zealous in my search right now and hoping maybe someone will read this that has them.

Of course, I am happy to pay for them or...even trade bunnies! Or other things (I bake gourmet dog treats and make lots of other little things for animals. Heck, I have lots of horse stuff too! Mostly new items, but thats another story. I have a mini tack shop in my house by default from my buying habits the last few years). Anyhow... I guess this is a plea, to hope in finding some older toys. So please forgive me for being so off topic and needy. I think with the current economy and worries I've just been taken in trying to find the nostalgia and innocents of my childhood.

So, I beg anyone that is willing to part with them to please let me know. I'm looking for anything to has to do with these, from dolls, plush, toys, cookware, dishes, books, name it! :)

Late 70's to early 90's toys: Rainbow Brite, My Little Pony, Strawberry Shortcake, Herself the Elf, Rose Petal Place, Charmkins, Care Bears, She-Ra (Princess of Power), Moondreamers and Glo Worms. Maybe even some Holly Hobbie or other 80's characters that are not ringing a bell right now.

90's to 2000's: Cardcaptor, Hamtaro, and Sailormoon.

Long list huh? I know.. I'm asking a lot but I'll cross my fingers. :) Thanks so much and next post will be back to bunnies of course. And to make this bunny related, I had a fantastic new owner take some an adorable little doe yesterday, which really overjoyed me that the little doe went to such a fantastic house bunny home! Hoor-ay for awesome owners!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Never enough... hours that is

Time becomes more and more of a special ..well gift in our life. I can not remember right now the last time I sat down for a meal without rushing through so I could run off to get something done. Worse yet, I mostly eat while on the go. I'm trying my best to slow things down, but my gosh...sometimes things just get really difficult.

Bunnies do however, add lots of stress relief. I smile EVERY day I see my bunnies and kiss them on the nose and cuddle them. I'm hoping that everyone has the same reaction to them. I enjoy hanging out with my little bunnies and just petting them can be enough. Right now, I have a little doe, actually one I just posted for sale, sitting next to me. She's actually snoozing, with her hind feet kicked out and her front legs stretched out with her head between them. I wish my camera was within reach, because it would be a cute photo, but alas, I'll have to leave some cute idea images in your mind for now.

This is one of my up and coming stars, a little black otter buck. I just... love him! His overall balance and type look great already but his personality is just as nice too.

One of the most pleasing parts of my breeding program has been because of my focus on personality. I just love it when I end up with an extremely friendly baby, one that will follow you all over the place and sit on your feet, but as an overall, every single one of my babies has been downright.... fantastic! I'm so happy to have so many friendly and cuddly bunnies. I'm overjoyed when I receive updates from owners or even when I hear people visiting and seeing my bunnies, how they are just amazed at their personalities. My bunnies will sit in laps, be petted, be picked up and makes me giggle a bit now. I've not had any of my bunnies bite me, so I think sometimes when people ask me if they do, or tell me when either a past bunny or their other house bunny nips them, I feel a little odd, as I'm not always sure how to reassure them that not all bunnies are like that. Maybe I should just say their personality is as cute as they are?

I've always felt a lot goes into how a bunny is raised, but genetics seem to be just as important. The old nature vs nurture debate of course. I can understand from a breeders point of view though, I tend to be quite picky about placing bunnies, and yes...I do turn down quite a few people, but above all else, my bunnies are for me. I'm not interested producing top show animals over personality. Personality with the cuteness is just a total added bonus for me. At the end of every day, my bunnies are truly pets. And normally at the end of every day, they get little good night treats and kisses or pats or cuddles...