Saturday, May 31, 2008

Bunnies on the mind!

I've been a bad blogger recently, mostly spending my free time surfing other blogs rather than updating my website or posting on my own little blog. Tsk tsk, I know. Baking has taken over my free time, as I've been trying out many vegan ideas. I've also been terribly busy with farm projects and taking care of all the little creatures here. Rabbitry prep for remodeling is underway as well, all materials purchased (phew!) but installation is slow....very slow. Hopefully to be completed in the next few weeks, as I've very excited to start painting.

I have been trying to take all new updated photos, so no worries there. Above is a little tort doe out of Foxfire, my fox colored buck and actually, a doe I have listed as available. Of course, after watching this little cutie grow up, her momma may just have reserved herself a spot here, this doe is beyond cute!!

A new website design is in order I believe, so I've started thinking of new ideas. And of course, with my crazy life and never ending ideas, I have been wanting to start something that I'm hoping to get up under way soon!! Expect the cutest of cute and the yummiest of yummy be available, someday this summer!

Friday afternoon I spent washing and (sneaking into the dishwasher...hehe) floor mats from the bunnies cages. I have EZ cage rest mats in with every bunny, but they need a bi-weekly washing. Which was easy to swing this week, since my mother is in California and the dishwasher is not under a keen eye right now. I also started washing bowls and crocks, but at 11pm last night I just could not do anymore. It helps that I keep a few sets of bowls around, so I can change them often but not wash them all right away.

Keeping a clean rabbitry is more work than really anyone would think. I spend a few hours a day, at least, cleaning, feeding, watering, checking on and loving all the little residents. But I still feel as though I am behind or am lacking in some ways. I think redoing the entire rabbitry will help with that, as it'll be a beautiful, bright and homely area to hang out and spend more relaxing time with all the little ones.