Friday, March 28, 2008

Sending babies to new homes

I always get a little sad when my babies are starting to get ready to leave for a new home, no matter if they are going to a show home or a pet home. . I have a lovely little Netherland Dwarf baby, from my pair of Netherlands. He'll be going to a pet home in the eastern part of the state, a lovely home with a very nice gal, but I'm still just a little sad to finally need to let him go. He'll be a fantastic little house bunny though, so I'm excited for him. He's a cute little boy that ended up with sport markings, making him unable to be shown.

His parents I need to take photo's of and ad to my website. His sire is one of my favorite rabbits, a GC smoke pearl buck. And super friendly as well. I do not really want to get into breeding Netherlands on a larger scale, but I do enjoy the little pair I have. It is a lot like my Fuzzy lops. I have just one pair, although I started out with many more and simply got down to only a couple. With my school and work, and of course the horses and the farm, my time just gets very limited and I want to assure that all my animals get enough attention.

Regardless, I always have mixed emotions sending bunnies home. I want them to have a fantastic life, but also worry about them as well. It is hard not to miss a little bunny you raised and adored for several weeks and then to let them go. I hope new owners will stay in touch with me and send photo's, but that doesn't happen very often.