Thursday, April 16, 2009

Luna, my yearling horse

Wow..the last 4 days have really been horrible for me. My yearling horse, well she'll be a year old on Monday. Her leg swelled up really bad on Easter. Monday morning I got Tuft's out with the xray machines. We got her all drugged up and everything. She's been cold washed several times a day, on meds for the swelling, which has not gone down much but a little. Well today the vet was out again, after he took the xrays to Tuft's (Grafton surgery section doctors looked them over).

Luna has a bone chip...which needs removal. Part of her joint chipped off somehow Easter morning. She isn't limping or acting like anything is wrong but she's confined to her stall in the barn to make sure it does not get any worse until I can get to her Tufts in Grafton MA for the surgery. The downside is, it is a several thousand dollars I do not have and somehow need to come up with. I already exhausted my emergancy horse money this year when my older horse injured her nose (she was playing with her waterbucket and got her nose stuck in the bucket and paniced... ripping her nostil off... after about 50 stitches and 5 weeks of ...restiching..she has an interesting scar but is in one piece (though it looks funny...). That was a my emgancy equine fund though..which probably wouldn't have covered this but was close.. humbug.. I just feel horrible because I had planned ahead but I guess I didn't plan enough...ahead).

Anyways.. my vet assured me it was nothing I did, as I've always been very careful with this babies feeding program and everything. She was a huge foal. She was even stuck when she was born and I had to repossion her to get her out of the birthing canal. We've actually always tried to slow her growing rate.

The downside of the whole thing is, her recovery is going to eat up time I didn't have to begin with. The surgery needs to be done in the next 3 weeks. After which she'll be on stall rest for several weeks. And then after I'll still need to attend to her for another couple of months very often durring the day. She's going to require injections into the joint and of course cleaning of the surgery site and general care and rehabilitation.

So now I'm weighting the options of my time with my other animals and trying to decide what to do. I think right now I'm go to let go of some of the adorable little babies I had planned to keep from my spring litters.

In some probably good news, the couple of litters I had planned for this month, did not happen, so no new babies. Which is for the best since I won't have the time they deserve right now. I'm hoping for the fall I can plan and devote some time to some baby bunnies though. :)

Sometimes life is interesting... I'm just hoping all goes well and my filly makes an okay recovery from all this mess.

In bunny news, I'm happy to report that bunnies have been going to amazing homes with some of the nicest people I have ever met recently!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Sleeping bunnies...

Amelia taking a snooze this afternoon. ^__^

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Couple of available bunnies

First up is this handsome "Teddybear" of a boy. He really a smooshy toy looking type of bunny. He is just under five months of age. He is one I have been spending some time deciding on what to do with. He has beautiful bone, width, thickness, depth and body to him. Overall he is a lovely and typy bunny. His head is already huge! He has a nice personality too, a total ham to watch run around and play. He would very much enjoy being someones house bunny. He would also do quite nicely as a show bun. He is currently living in a puppy pen with a litter box. He very much enjoys his space and his bed, toys and extra lovins. ^___^

Our second bunny here is also a buck. He is three months old. Another I have been on and off about keeping, as I very much love his parents. His mother is my poster child (the tiny bunny on the right on the blog and bottom on the main page, she is now almost 6 years old). I've sort of been waiting for this little guys head to come in and it just hasn't yet, though it should soon, as he's about to molt out (icky!). He's still really cute though. Tiny little ears! Super smooth, wide and full body. Fantastic bone and depth. Good shoulder and headset, I just really wish he had a boulder head already..and maybe that his crown was higher but it should come with some age, this is normally the "ugly" age. hehe. He's still cute. He is calm and easy going, easy as pie to work with and pose too. :) I think he would love to be spoiled with goodies and a fluffy bed though, though he would make a nice show bunny as well.

Friday, February 20, 2009


This is Zues, one of the babies featured in the last blog post actually. :) Updated photo's of him, now that he is a little older. Cute as a button huh? Some of his littermates will be available for sale, but this little guy is just my cutie pie.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Baby Bunnies

Too cold for outside photos.. indoor photo op.. of babies. :) Five weeks old. Two bucks and two does. At least two (one buck and one doe) will be available for new homes, and contacts are welcome if you would like to get in touch with me for more photos and information. These of lovely babies and just super sweet!

Little black buck on left and little fox doe on right! I love the little doe! She's a darling little girl :) These babies are sired by an otter buck (whom carried blue and chocolate, so 25% chance these babies have blue and/or chocolate genes as well).

Blackie and foxie again, pretty little heads for young babies huh? Loppy ears already too! I just love baby hollands.. hehe

Tortie babies! Look at those muggies! I just want to squishie them! hehe. Little buck on the left and doe on the right. Such chunky monkey's. Fantastic bone and structure even at a young age. :) Nice little bunnies. It'll be interesting to post photo's of them next week. This is when I start working with them the most, I start teaching them to "post" now, so they sit pretty for a few seconds. They are handled so much they just turn into mush anyhow. Even my boyfriend has been holding them. He likes the little fox doe since she just sit with him. She's a cute pie but I love the little tort buck. hehe. Babies are so darling. This is my first baby bunny litter in almost half a year so quite a long time and so much fun to have baby bunnies again! I just wish I could have taken nicer photo's of them ... humbug. For reference sake, they are teddy bear hamster size currently.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

New Years bunnies

New Years free time finally gave me a little extra motivation to take a few photo's of bunnies once again. The little adorable buy above already has a home but I wanted to post his photo's (both one above and one below) because he was so stinking cute. He is a 14 week old little buck that found a fantastic home with a great family. I wish them all the best in the new year with lots of bunny kisses!

The next little guy, shown in the toy photo's below (one with and without the tophat) is a really nice little buck that turning out he'll be staying here. I had a couple come up from NYC last weekend, under a huge amount of miss communication I (I'm sorry but things are done on a first come first serve basis, simply because if a great home comes along for a bunny and it is just such a good match.. I refuse to let the chance slip away for the bunny to have a great home, and there is no way of telling whom will be a good home until I meet them in person for the most part). Anyhow..back to the bunny story.

So this couple came, and I felt extremely sorry. I had tried to get a hold of them before they came to tell them that the particular bunny we had chatted about was already adopted but it didn't work out. They were of course very unhappy with the news when they arrived. So I offered them this little guy. Now he's not a baby so much, he's about six months old. I liked him as a baby but as he got older I didn't look at his type much and figured he wasn't such a stunning rabbit (gosh! I was wrong...). He's also very sweet, a little shy at first but he's a total love bug when you hang out with him for a bit and he loves to be petted and sit in my lap. hohum..

Anyhow, so I offered him to this couple, however...this little guy didn't like them. Actually, NONE of my rabbits like these people. They seemed like extremely nice people but my rabbits were not friendly with them. I'm not sure if it's because they were unhappy about the bunny situation and perhaps the bunnies sensed that or if the bunnies truly thought they were not good people. I'm not sure... boggled me, but the bunnies were stand offish and generally unfriendly with them. So they left...without a bunny, which is fine. They were previous bunny owners and I think they had in their minds replacing the bunny they had and were just very particular in what they want, which is fine, I wish them luck, however I'm happy they didn't like any of mine since I would have had to have let them go home empty handed anyways.

However, as it turned out, I would have been crushed for letting this bunny go and didn't even know it. These photo's were taken the day AFTER the NYC couple visited and I really got to see what a wonderful rabbit I could have let go of. He's a total ham, so calm and sweet.. He sat on this chair for over a half hour while I was looking for the tophat (it was in a box with dolls...hehe). He's just so easy to work with too, he has lovely confirmation (although, not perfect..he's quite nice though) and willing put up with my posing him, sticking hats on him and primping him in general.

He does have a lot of maturing left to do before I consider adding him to my breeding herd, however he has a wonderful foundation of what I look for and I'm very blessed he's still here. I'll admit though, he's a little gangly right now but I think he's going to be quite the cutie pie when he's older! So hooray! Another bunny for me to obsess over. He's officially been named Keyper (Keeper).

Friday, December 19, 2008

Snow flakes

So photo's finally got a chance today. Thankfully it only lightly started snowing when I got to it. Each bunny had a one minute tops photo shoot, so do not expect any great photography skills taking place here. My camera does best in outdoor light (only way I keep it from looking very blurry) but it's A) too cold for me and the bunnies and B) either lack of daylight or good weather to really ever get to photo's in my spare time. Alas, I got some..and they are adorable!

The following bunnies are all bucks, and .....all available. I did a bunny search last night, since I've had some lovely people inquire to me for bunnies and came up with this little group. I'm not in the business of selling bunnies or anything, in fact I love all of these too! But when lovely homes come along and if I can give them a fantastic match, then I feel that's best. No matter how much I love them all here, I can't give them a full families worth of attention each. :) Anyhow... onto the bunnies!

This first little guy here, is well..kinda shy. He opens up, no worries there. He's a really cutie patootie also. His head is starting to mature and oh my goodness, I just want to kiss his cheeks. He's a lovely chunky monkey in body style and just all over a beautiful little rabbit. I am keeping his brother (expect to see photo's of him in a post soon too!) so I decided to let him go. His mom is one of my lovely old gals, Althea. His sire is Belkin. Just a super little mix and a really cute little bunny. He'll mature nicely to a good three pounds (he loves food and he's pudgy right now), but he's small and will continue to mature and fill out into a very pretty bunny.

This second little guy, is Mr. Lap bunbun. He's, well...very reserved. He enjoys being petted but is not highly into exploring and forgetting about you. He would rather munch on fruit puffs and sit in your lap all day long. Because of that, my short photo session was a flop. He kept trying to come on the chair and back to safety. Poor little guy. He needs a really loving and calm home I think, he would just adore that. He's also pretty small, well under three pounds. His half butterfly or mustache adds to the cuteness factor. He's a mix of bloodlines, but his sire is EP and he shares many of EP's cute qualities.

Next up is Tiny Timmie.. maybe? Timmie isn't a really cute name but oh well, for today...he's Timmie. Timmie here is eight weeks old and just looks downright silly next to these slightly older boys. He's gangly..and well...silly looking in general. He's such a cutie though! I know exactly what he'll look like, but it's a little hard to see it right now unless you watch these bunnies do this (yep, they all get a little goofy looking at this age, which is why...I normally don't photograph them when they are this old..hehe). Timmie here is tiny! I can sit him in my hand. He's be pretty small grown up too but he's a pudgy little guy. Look how fat and round his head is! Oh my! And his body is like a softball. So cute...

I saved the best for last... a fuzzy Holland. Honestly he's only available because I do not have enough time to seriously brush him weekly and it is just not fair of me. I'd name him Chewy, for lack of a better name but I'm gonna go with dust bunny right now. Basically, yes...he's not named either (if I name them, then I have serious issues letting them go..figures). Fluffy here is just so freaking cute! He needs to be brushed about twice a week for an hour or so. His angora fur picks up hay, dust, whatever your feet dropped when you walked in the door... so basically he's a bunny Swiffer. He's honkin' cute though. His daddy is Posidian, and his momma is Molly. He's a beautiful little mix up (the fuzzy gene is a whoopie show up I didn't plan on a fuzzy, but got one...he's awfully cute none the less). He's maturing really nice and I feel temped to snap little barrettes and bows on him... I might do it. He loves people too! He's really friendly and social, which is awesome. He looks a lot bigger than he his, mostly due to the 2"+ of fluff he's carting around on him. His feet have extra fluff too, so it makes me laugh when I see the fuzz sticking out from between his toes.. he sleeps on his belly, back and sides...he's sometimes lazy but will explore if given the chance. Can you tell I like him? We have play time a lot, but I'm bumming over the fact he really needs more. Aw shucks though... he's available only to an adult or young adult owner...that will brush him and love him and pretty much assure me they will spoil him (well same for all my bunnies, they all need spoiling but you get the idea).