Sunday, January 4, 2009

New Years bunnies

New Years free time finally gave me a little extra motivation to take a few photo's of bunnies once again. The little adorable buy above already has a home but I wanted to post his photo's (both one above and one below) because he was so stinking cute. He is a 14 week old little buck that found a fantastic home with a great family. I wish them all the best in the new year with lots of bunny kisses!

The next little guy, shown in the toy photo's below (one with and without the tophat) is a really nice little buck that turning out he'll be staying here. I had a couple come up from NYC last weekend, under a huge amount of miss communication I (I'm sorry but things are done on a first come first serve basis, simply because if a great home comes along for a bunny and it is just such a good match.. I refuse to let the chance slip away for the bunny to have a great home, and there is no way of telling whom will be a good home until I meet them in person for the most part). Anyhow..back to the bunny story.

So this couple came, and I felt extremely sorry. I had tried to get a hold of them before they came to tell them that the particular bunny we had chatted about was already adopted but it didn't work out. They were of course very unhappy with the news when they arrived. So I offered them this little guy. Now he's not a baby so much, he's about six months old. I liked him as a baby but as he got older I didn't look at his type much and figured he wasn't such a stunning rabbit (gosh! I was wrong...). He's also very sweet, a little shy at first but he's a total love bug when you hang out with him for a bit and he loves to be petted and sit in my lap. hohum..

Anyhow, so I offered him to this couple, however...this little guy didn't like them. Actually, NONE of my rabbits like these people. They seemed like extremely nice people but my rabbits were not friendly with them. I'm not sure if it's because they were unhappy about the bunny situation and perhaps the bunnies sensed that or if the bunnies truly thought they were not good people. I'm not sure... boggled me, but the bunnies were stand offish and generally unfriendly with them. So they left...without a bunny, which is fine. They were previous bunny owners and I think they had in their minds replacing the bunny they had and were just very particular in what they want, which is fine, I wish them luck, however I'm happy they didn't like any of mine since I would have had to have let them go home empty handed anyways.

However, as it turned out, I would have been crushed for letting this bunny go and didn't even know it. These photo's were taken the day AFTER the NYC couple visited and I really got to see what a wonderful rabbit I could have let go of. He's a total ham, so calm and sweet.. He sat on this chair for over a half hour while I was looking for the tophat (it was in a box with dolls...hehe). He's just so easy to work with too, he has lovely confirmation (although, not perfect..he's quite nice though) and willing put up with my posing him, sticking hats on him and primping him in general.

He does have a lot of maturing left to do before I consider adding him to my breeding herd, however he has a wonderful foundation of what I look for and I'm very blessed he's still here. I'll admit though, he's a little gangly right now but I think he's going to be quite the cutie pie when he's older! So hooray! Another bunny for me to obsess over. He's officially been named Keyper (Keeper).